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...and welcome back

((Internal thoughts) Now then…Time for another update to the blog. A little out of date with these. The last one was just over…hmmm nope, that can’t be right…oh fudge!!))

Well, hello there. Welcome back to the blog. It’s been a bit side lined as an afterthought for a rainy day when pigs fly and there’s blue snow, but (no promises) we will try to be a bit more regular with updates... Hopefully... I’m sure you’ve all missed it…come on…own up! …anyone? At all?

Ahem. When I write for the blog, I like to take great care with my title. It really gives me a good grounding to begin with and sets up my mind, ready to write. Unfortunately, Katie vetoed my initial title, ‘Don’t you puff your Wankel at me’. Or as she gently suggested, ‘Perhaps use that one for the next blog post.’ Duly noted. I think she is of the idea that I’ll forget. I won’t! Plus I’m pulling you in with that cliff hanger of a title….surely? PS…it’s not rude.

So then. Hello from The Schoolhouse Studio. It’s been a bit mad here. Plenty of exciting things to mention (many which you’ll have read if you follow us on Facebook…). It’s just over three years since we started. We now have two rapidly increasing in size little ones instead of just the one, with the addition of our little girl. Little by stature, but big in attitude (In the nicest way possible). Our newborn, little ones and family photography continues to go from strength to strength…and we even have special themed shoots such as The Schoolhouse Studio Christmas Spectacular (more on that in a later post) with our very own visit from Santa! Ho ho ho! We are pushing ahead with our expansion into more Wedding Photography and we have completed our first ever Wedding Exhibition. Yay! Woop-and indeed-de woop.

Wedding Stand

Katie being as cool as the proverbial cucumber in 'Schoolhouse Mint'

So about the Wedding Exhibition or as I like to call it, The Big Buchan Bridal Bash...'cos that's what its called…. That just happened. We were more than just a little excited and nervous to start with, but the sheer whizziness and general confusion of setting up gave us little time to worry.

We met many lovely people, including other exhibitors and of course Wedding-ees. ie the lovely people looking to become betrothed. It’s so much fun meeting people and chatting about their special day. It gives us so much pleasure when asked to be part of their day too. A wedding is such a magical event. Always exciting and we love blending into the entire experience. We put our hand to anything on the day…chasing down dress hire companies, gathering wayward and camera shy guests…Fixing the cake, keeping the bride and groom settled and ‘in the loop’ and just generally trying to help the day run smoothly as well as our main task…capturing the precious memories of the day that you’ll cherish for many years to come…(Yes…even that one of Grandma sneaking a snifter out of her hipflask whilst awaiting the bride’s arrival!)… We’ve thoroughly enjoyed every one so far and can’t wait for the next one in the calendar.

So finally and again, welcome back. Now I really must go. The bairns are asleep and there's an episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine with our names on it. Catch up soon. Nighty Night.

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School Road  St Fergus  Peterhead  Aberdeenshire  AB42 3HD

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