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Lots going on!

Hi there,

It's been a wee while since we've posted on the blog. In fact, this is the first of the year! Happy 2017! Haha! What with the mad dash through the festive season with a 1 year old and a fuzzy dog, followed by a super busy January and February at the studio, the blog has fallen by the wayside...and now here we are away in to March! Crazy, huh? Oh and we've another little one on the way...

As if our hands weren't full enough, we thought another little person would just add an extra level of excitement to our busy days! haha!

Well I know a lot of people viewed 2016 as doom and gloom, but we're not going to dwell on that here. Our photography venture began in July and although it's been full on with barely a moments rest, it's been a huge pleasure working with our valued customers and models. Everyone has been so enthusiastic and made it an absolute delight. It's been an epic, whirlwind journey so far. Thanks for that...We couldn't do it without you! We've had some wonderful, heartfelt feedback and reviews, which we are very grateful for. We are up to 31 x 5* reviews on Facebook now, which is incredible - here are a few of the lovely words our customers have shared:

It's so great to hear that we are doing a good job! And our whirlwind journey is only set to continue! We have so many exciting ideas popping around our heads for shoots this year that we can barely contain them, including themed shoots and also a local project from Katie. Can't wait to let you into our secrets as the year progresses. Eek!

For the time being, however, to celebrate the fact that Mother's Day is almost upon and to honour all our wonderful mummies, we are about promote our gorgeous "Mummy and Me" sessions. We know that money can be tight for many during the first few months of the year, so our special sessions will be offer. Haha! So watch this space for us taking bookings for that!

Of course there are still many other options available for your precious memories if you want something more tailored to your requirements, including our popular 'on location' family shoots at a destination of your choice. (Hopefully someone goes for Mauritius one of these days although we might have to discuss an alternative payment plan :). Also for mummies to be, there is our bump to baby and can also include your first year milestones....we're quite happy to take on board your ideas and inspiration, or of course, do that part for you too!

Now for some beautiful photographs, that's why you clicked right? Kim and David brought their teeny, sweet twins in to the studio into the studio last week. At just over 6lb each Ami and Aaron were just tiny squidges of adorableness! Aren't they something else?

Just look at them holding hands, friends for life, eh? Ami and Aaron also brought along their "big sister" Maisie who is only 3 and absolutely beautiful!!!

Wee sweetie Maisie, is certainly very taken with her new siblings and was so good during the photoshoot...

Well, it's been nice to dip our toes back in to the blogging world again. We've another few babies coming in this week so be sure to stay tuned for some more precious pictures. But for now, it's bath time for our wee man and the rest of this Thomas episode won't watch itself!

Night for now,

Katie and Ross


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