Over the dunes and through the river...
Hello readers and likers!
How are we all doing this week? We cannot believe that's us in to November already! Our little man turns the big ONE this month and goodness only know where those last 12 months have gone! It's really hitting home how important it to treasure every tiny moment, all the smiles, the ticklish toes, hand clapping, first teeth, first crawling wonder of it all. We simply can't get enough of our wee boy and are revelling in learning all his new little quirks as he develops day by day. But enough of about our own little model and a bit more about what's been going on at the studio this week...
We have had another jam packed couple weeks at the studio, mainly due to The Schoolhouse Studio Christmas Spectacular - we've had giggles; magical Christmas Eve boxes; tartan pjs; wee babies; an 11 year old very excited to meet the man in red; mucky mess with some coal; over 30 kids (and we've still 4 days to go!!!); a unicorn onesie; countless festive tulle dresses; piles of Rudolph jumpers; all manner ofpresent requests to Santa, from roller blades to a velociraptor action figure; and more cookies and milk than you could shake a candy cane at.
But we had a very different afternoon on Saturday away from the hustle and festive bustle of the studio. The lovely Pheona asked us to go spend the afternoon with her beautiful family at a place very special to them. So, we thought we'd share a couple images from our wonderful session at Balmedie Beach.
Meet The King Family - Pheona and Hamish with their two fantastic kids Emma and Cameron and their delightful doggy Skye.

We had quite the trek over some mountainous sand dunes to get over to the beach. When we thought we were ready to get clicking the camera, we had a river to cross. Here's Ross contemplating the best approach...

My Donald Duck VANS trainers have been giving me a lovely sandy exfoliation ever since! Moving on, more swiftly than Ross and I getting out of that river... Emma is a gorgeous young lady with so much grace and her wee brother Cameron was up for an adventure from the very off. They made quite the pair to pin down for a photo. But, how gorgeous are these two guys??

And here's the King family dog: Skye. At 15 years old Skye is losing her hearing, bless her. But don't let that fool you - she frolicked all over the beach like a playful wee pup. She was a joy to watch and such a friendly doggy! Isn't she beautiful?

These guys were up for some good fun and they really are a photogenic bunch, don't you think?

We had a great time with Pheona and her family. Now we just can't wait to show them the rest of their pictures. But for now, it's back to our Christmassy studio for the rest of our Spectacular to take the rest of these Christmassy photos - Santa has lots of other places to go and people to see than us here in St Fergus - he's almost as busy as us!!
Take care and if you'd like to book an Autumnal/Winter photoshoot with us just contact us via Facebook or the website,